18 October, 2024
Impression from Legnaro (Padua)

For downloading the presentations of the participants and organisators scroll down on the left side.

See also first picture impressions from the workshop at Legnaro (Padua).

Session at Corte Benedettina
Excursion at Experimental Farm of the Department of Animal Science of the University
of Padova
Foza (Vicentina) sheeps
 Paduana chick
 Paduana chicken
 Paduana cock
 Polverara chicken
 Polverara chicken



European Livestock Breeds Ark and Rescue Net www.elbarn.net

SAVE foundation – Joseph-Belli-Weg 5, D-78467 Konstanz/Germany -


RARE (Razze autochtone a Rischio di Estinzione) - www.associazionerare.it

ELBARN Mediterranean and Sout West Area Workshop: Legnaro, Italy, 24th-26th April 2009

People concerned with in-situ or live conservation of rare breeds are often faced with the danger of losing important stock in cases of, for example, epidemics. The objective of the pan-European project ELBARN is to create a network of establishments active in the in-situ conservation of autochthonous breeds. The project aims to prepare, in every European country, the required infrastructure and logistics for the worst case scenario. EURONATUR, SAVE Foundation and partners RARE, GEH and SLE are running this project as a concerted action with financial support of the European Union.

ELBARN was launched with a 'Central Workshop' in February 2008, where working groups discussed rescue and quarantine, the characterisation of Ark and Rescue Centres, breeding programmes and the marketing of rare breed products. As a follow up to the Central Workshop a fact finding questionnaire gathered as much information as possible from all the areas in autumn 2008. Please find more information and reports on the ELBARN website: www.elbarn.net.

In March and April 2009 four 'Area Workshops' will be held in order to achieve the long term goal of a functioning ELBARN. For each area an 'Area Action Plan' will be developed, tailored to the local needs and synergies with the Global Plan of Action will be discussed.

Animal breeding in this area is mostly well organised but regulation is usually directed at commercial animal breeding. This area workshop will therefore also focus on regulation, diseases and contingency plans for Rare Breed conservation.

We would like to invite you to take part in the Mediterranean and South West

Area Workshop, which will take place in Legnaro, in the North-East of Italy about 40 minutes away from Venice, on 24th-26th April 2009.


Information for the invited people:

The cost of two nights in the hotel will be met by the project. Travel costs can be met on request. Please fill in the ELBARN questionnaire (at least questions 4,5,6 and your contact data) before registration, as it is a part of taking part in the workshop (you can fill in the questionnaire directly online here or download the questionnaire as Word Document or *.pdf in many languages). Travel costs can only be paid to participants who have filled in the questionnaire.

Please find in the following pages a short description of ELBARN, the provisional programme of the Area Workshop and the registration form to be  returned by 31st March 2009.

The Mediterranean and South WestArea Workshop is coordinated by R.A.R.E. (Razze Autoctone a Rischio di Estinzione), the Italian partner of the ELBARN project. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

With best wishes,

Riccardo Fortina (riccardo.fortina@associazionerare.it)

Laura Milone (laura.milone@associazionerare.it)

On behalf on the ELBARN Project Partners: Euronatur Stiftung, SAVE Foundation, GEH, SLE and RARE


ELBARN - European Livestock Breeds Ark and Rescue Net

ELBARN, the European Livestock Breeds Ark and Rescue Net, is a pan-European project.

The ELBARN Network will be spread throughout Europe to share knowledge and encourage collaboration between organisations and institutes wishing to conserve European animal genetic resources. Additionally, the promotion of the products of these livestock breeds, whether this is as a food product or as a service such as grazing for environmental management, will be a central theme of the project.

It will document, in the form of an online database, all places that already exist and can be used as “Ark and Rescue Centres”. It will also encourage the founding of new Ark and Rescue Centres.

These Centres will:

•will keep core breeding groups

•as well as offer breeding help for livestock keepers and

•will also offer a place for the public to see the animal genetic resources of Europe

•will offer emergency places for endangered genetically important livestock.

ELBARN is not intended as a project that buys property or animals. Nor does it have any finances available for helping in the upkeep of Ark and Rescue Centres. However, through Work Groups, ELBARN will be able to make concrete suggestions on how Ark and Rescue Centres can maximise the marketing potential of the rare livestock breeds in their care, thus rendering them profitable. It is also hoped that, through the existence of an international network sponsored by the EU, smaller projects related to fulfilling the wider goals of ELBARN will find funding to achieve their goals.


RARE: (Razze Autoctone a Rischio di Estinzione) is the first private association for conservation of local and endangered Italian domestic breeds for their scientific, cultural, economic and environmental value. Founded in 2002, RARE is partner of the European SAVE Foundation and operates in cooperation with breeders, universities, regional administrations and other existing associations to promote educational activities and give information on the status of endangered breeds. The members of RARE are currently working on specific conservation projects for many breeds and, to continue this work, one of the main objectives of RARE is the establishment of an Italian network of breeders of local and endangered breeds, the so called "allevatori custodi" (caretakers), serving as a centre point for the exchange of animals, information, and know-how.



ELBARN Partners:

Lead Partner: EuroNatur: The European Nature Heritage Fund www.euronatur.org

SAVE Foundation: The SAVE Foundation and its Partners make up the European SAVE Network (Safeguard for Agricultural Varieties in Europe). www.save-foundation.net

SLE: Steunpunt Levend Erfgoed (Living Heritage Focal Point, Belgium) www.sle.be

GEH: The German Society for the Conservation of Old and Endangered Livestock Breeds, www.g-e-h.de

R.A.R:E.: Razze Autoctone a Rischio di Estinzione (Rare Breeds in Italy) www.associazionerare.it




Action 066 ELBARN 2007-2010 received financial support from the European Commission, Directorate- General for Agriculture and Rural Development, under Council Regulation (EC) No 870/2004  
Rare Breeds & Products


Elbarn 2007-2010 Partners